"Encourage one another daily." Hebrews 3:13
#biblequiltjournal #abcsofthebible #Eisfor__
#eternal #Exodus #everlasting #everyWORDofGod #earth #endures #emboldened
#eager #excel #everything #exists #establishes #extol #Elohim
You can incorporate printables to add a variety of texture to your pages.
You can focus on the Names of God into your ABC journal like my friend, Stephanie, did:

My mom-n-law focused her "E" page on #eternal attributes:
You can include characters of the Bible on your ABC pages as well as the Books of The Bible. #Enoch #Elijah #Elisha #Exodus #Ecclesiastes
We're EXCITED to see YOUR ideas and pages! Please share in the Comments.
Romans 3:14