"God of hope"
Romans 15:13
"He is GREATER than our hearts."
I John 3:20
Gradually add verses, stitching lines and doodling around them...

Look at this glorious "G" my Kansas friend made for the ABC Bible Quilt journal!
"Glorify the Lord
with me."
Psalm 34:3
We're doing that - glorfying God -- when we spend time in His Word and sharing it with others. I'm grateful to be sharing this journey with all of you in the BQ community! ❤️

When I don't have time to "quilt" on the page, I'll jot down references on a post-it so I've got some verses ready to go for my next sit-down creative time.
#biblequiltjournal #abcsofthebible #Gisfor__ #God #goodshepherd #givethanks #gentleness #greater #Godofhope #glory #Genesis #gospel #goodplanning
G is for Grace. James 4:6
G is for grace, gift, good Shepherd, gospel, giving, growing in grace, glory
Great! 🙌
Here is my "G" page. Tip: Colour your verses before putting glue dots on - you will get an embossed look you may not be looking for!
"G" is for Gift, Grow, Grateful, Glad, Grace, Guide, Garden, Good, Grass, Glory
As I was working on my first G page, I parked on the thought of gardens. That led to the creation of the second page. So much happened in the gardens!
"G" is for God, grace, gave, glorious, glorified, grain, gate, garden, grace, glad, grow, gift, go, good, gentle, gladness,gospel
...Genesis, Goliath, Galatians, gifts, "Go into all the world & preach the Gospel..." Mark 16:15