We knew this would be a tricky letter. 🤪 I’m eXcited to see what y’all come up with for X verses! Go, team, go!
#biblequiltjournal #abcsofthebible #Xisfor__
#eXalted #eXpected #eXultation #eXample #eXcellent
Have you gotten to try the "X" template in the ABC Bible Quilt Journal?
Stephanie used the Greek letter X = Christ to create this colorful page focused on Christ:
This page capitalizes on ex- words...
This page is in the works next...
Add YOUR ideas/photos in the comment section to help get us all going.
Except in rare cases, for examples of ideas, I typically examine Bible Gateway, to search out words with the letter of the week & it's not coming up with anything for "X", however, the word "examine" is found in the NIV over 50 times, so that would be my suggestion for a page... Excited to try it, when I get some extra time... ;)
Stealing this! Stealing is ok with BQ...right??? =)