"...for His steadfast love endures forever." Psalm 118:1

There are SO many verses on God's unfailing love! You can do a wide variety of BQ pages on love. Maybe start with some of your favorites that you already have highlighted in your Bible?
You can use a sticker with verse/phrase as a title for your page like one of my friend's did on this page:
You can get ideas from Pinterest or look up a treasure trove of them in your Bible's concordance or phone app.
You can do pages on God's love...or how we're encouraged to Love one another.
Sometimes I like to expand from one verse to find supporting verses to wrap around the featured verse:
Here are a few more samples from other Bible Quilters:

Here's a brief videoclip of a local Bible Quilter sharing how she's going to do a page on "the Love Chapter" (I Corinthians 13).
Resources for verses: 28 Days of Love 29 Days of Heart
LOVE pages are a great way to incorporate scripture during the Valentine season! Just prop them up on a counter or tabletop and let your family/guests linger over them whenever they walk by. You can slip BQ pages into an acrylic frame to display during the holiday season, then attach them to your #biblequiltjournal.
I'd love for you to share your pages in the comments section!
#love #mothershearttemplate #hearttemplate #heart #compassion #Godislove