I've been exploring scriptures on spiritual warfare through a study provided by Sojo Academy this month and have enjoyed "stitching" all these great verses together in my Bible Quilt Journal as a summary resource.

We probably all have some familiarity with the "Armor of God" passage in Ephesians, but I love to see other verses nestled in to reinforce the strength we have through the Word of God.

My Bible reading plan for the year has me in Joshua right now and all the exhortations "to be strong and courageous" have made even more impact as I see these threads woven throughout the New Testament, too.

I've been reminded of the importance of putting on this armor DAILY and to be diligent in "readjusting my armor" throughout the day to trudge forward on the Lord's path, not mine.

All these verses are so powerful together!
I made a pocket page to keep the reference list handy when I need to review these verses in context as a refresher for how God's word can strengthen us for whatever circumstance we may be in or whatever challenge we may face.
How are YOU becoming "battle ready," friends?
#battleready #armorofGod #spiritualwarfare #sojoacademy #biblestudy
Related Post: Summarizing with your Bible Quilt Journal