Worn out?
Struggling with a fearful heart?
Old hymns and related scriptures remind us that we DO have hope in Christ.
Whether we're in a personal crisis, wading through a family struggle, or distressed about events in our nation, we can seek comfort and peace in the Word. We can console our burdened spirits through music.
I encountered this hymn, "Hope of the World," the other day and was struck by so many phrases that reflect the gritty compassion that's available to us through Christ when we're hurting.
As we continue to pray for our hurting nation and families in sorrow, may we find peace and comfort as we cling to the Truths in the Word.
"My God shall supply all your needs
according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
#biblequiltingthroughcrisis #usinghymnsinmybiblequiltjournal #biblequiltjournal #hope #healing #peace