- - - Good Friday tends to have us reflecting on the cross more than usual.
This morning while I was walking my dog, enjoying all the blossoms of spring, the hymn "the Old Rugged Cross" kept coming to mind.
Back at home I searched through my Mom's old hymnals and found a copy of the song to use for a BQ page. Reading through the lyrics again, I focused in on the phrase "dear Lamb of God" and chose a verse with this phrase included, which also happens to be one of our 31 Days of Redemption passages!
I pulled out the cross stamp I found recently on clearance at Hobby Lobby and the page developed pretty quickly from there. The simplicity was just what my spirit needed.

This page doesn't have many verses, but the process really impacted me on this holy day of remembrance of all Jesus gave up for us.
I hope you're having some productive reflective time this weekend, too, my friend.
#biblequiltingwithhymns #hymns #cross #oldruggedcross
Using Old Hymns in your Bible Quilt
Thank you @Christina. Hope you continue to experience many blessings throughout this sacred season. 💜
I love this! Just what my heart needed to see today!