Today's verse in our 31 Days of Steadfastness is so applicable for these days of unrest in Afghanistan and continuing heartbreak of pandemic stories.
"I have told you these things, so that IN ME you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
As we encounter these daily verses, I'd encourage you to incorporate them into your BQ journals in different ways so that you see them in a broader perspective.
If one of the main action words in the verse resonates with you, you can add it into your ABC journal.
Remember if you don't have time to finish it out with embellishments, you can write it out on a post-it note. I'm using a round piece of paper as a place saver for a sticker of the earth to add to this "O is for..." page in my ABC journal. When I find the sticker and return to this page, I may have other ideas re: how I'd like to finish it up.
Maybe a keyword is one you'd like to pursue further?
You can harvest other scriptures on that topic and those to your ABC pages, too.
Or maybe you want to do a full page on the concept?
Diving deeper by creating a whole page on a topic can synthesize a bunch of verses together. Plus, it becomes a wonderful resource for prayer in the future!
Sometimes a keyword in a verse will spark an idea of one of the templates you've seen, so you can launch your page with a pre-formatted graphic.
I've been adding scriptures along the way on this World in His Hands template page in my son's BQ journal and finished it earlier this week. He colored in the earth and I wrote in the verses, personalizing one with his name. Although I had attached the tab a while back, I didn't title it until I had finished the became clearer throughout the process.
Some other ideas re: using the World in His Hands templates here. If you'd like to try the World in His Hands template, enter the coupon code WORLD to get it at a discount.
So... take heart, my friends, in whatever circumstances you find yourselves today. If you're burdened for particular world events, consider doing a BQ page to address those specific needs. If you're feeling scattered, follow the "bunny trail" of scripture to discover the ones to soothe your spirit today and tuck them into a BQ journal to help anchor you now and in the future.
I hope my sharing my process you feel encouraged to use these daily verses or monthly themes however they work best for you in whatever season you're in. You're welcome to adopt some of my ideas and I'd love to see what you're creating, so drop a photo in the comments or FB group. (You never know how the Lord might use your page/process to encourage someone else!)
#worldinHishands #biblequiltingthroughcrisis #takeheart #31daysSteadfast #steadfast #john16v33
And we are moving right into our next word: believe. It’s a time to trust God and His promises.
@francarona Indeed! I know you've been praying your heart out! 💛
This word has been so relevant this month!