A while back while decluttering some of my scrapbook materials, I uncovered a booklet that had all kinds of decorative tabs in it. I cut out the letters to spell Noel as a title and tucked them into my 2023 Monthly BQJ. Last week I rediscovered them and began working on this page.

The cute little nativity stickers are from a set I found at Hobby Lobby. (It's probably a Paper Studios pack.)
I drew around thee stickers to provide some grounding and sketched out an amateurish stable.

I stitched in verses from Luke chapter 2, leaving the remainder of the background open. I may go back and add some blue shading in the background...or I may not. Sometimes I let these decisions percolate a bit.
How are you filling up your blank pages in the Monthly BQJ this month?
If you haven't done the nativity template yet, you could print that out for a great start.
Please share your pages/ideas in the comments below. 😊