Some of us are creative, but not necessarily "artistic."
I've often got my eye out for ways to boost my drawing/doodling skills so I can illustrate some of my Bible Quilt Journal pages more boldly.
Last weekend I popped into an online ART PARTY and picked up a few tips. Here's a few photos from a session by Tracy Weinzapfel. It was fun to see Tracy's studio backdrop and to follow her watercolor process as she developed her page.

I watched her tutorial re:using watercolors on a downloaded design she had provided, but I didn't use watercolors. I just used markers I already had on hand. (baby steps!) #usewhatyouhave

I added BQ stitch lines as I listened to Tracy teach about various techniques that can be used to blend colors, how she uses black and white to create depth, etc.
I finished up my page by adding phrases from the Proverbs 31 passage re: the godly woman that tenaciously provided for her family during all kinds of circumstances.
I used a light vine, weaving between the verses and blooms, to unify the elements together.
I figured we're all challenged right now to balance more atypical demands as we adapt our way through this national crisis, so these strong reminders of the Proverbs 31 Woman seemed to be a good match for these bold blooms.
I hope this cheers you up and encourages you to try some new creative techniques during our #athome time! #alonetogether
Let's make the most of these unusual circumstances!!
#boldblooms #onlineARTPARTY #biblequiltjournal #biblequilting #illustrations #markers #watercolors
~ ~ ~thanks to @twstudios for the artistic inspiration ~ ~ ~