Have an idea for a #biblequiltjournal template? I'd love to collaborate with you if you've got an idea for a Bible Quilt template that you think others would also like to try!
A collaborative journey
My friend, Tami, and I both share an interest in claiming a #wordfortheyear and have had some great side conversations about how our words develop over the year. Last year I had some surprising twists with my word, but the Lord was gracious in showing me His plan all along. He's pretty awesome like that!

I knew Tami's word was "path" this year and intended to sketch out a Path template for her back at the beginning of the year. Well....that didn't happen! Every once in a while, I would think about doing a Path template, but just never got around to it. ๐
- - - Sound familiar? - - -
Last week I contacted Tami and asked if she had drawn out a path when she did her page, and, of course, she had created a beautiful path! It had a similar flow to a brief sketch that I had done earlier, but she had added a river rock element to it that really resonated with me.

I experimented around with size, curves, shading, rock shapes, and spacing for verses.
It's always fun to have a built-in area for a strip of washi tape, so I played around a little with that, too.
My sons passed through at different times, sharing their input and impressions.

Gradually, the template took shape and I tidied it up to look a little more finished.
Then I printed one out to let "settle" overnight. ( I like my ideas to marinate while I'm active with other things, then I can listen to the Lord's nudges more clearly.)
The next morning I prayed and reviewed all the revisions, then scanned the final to send to my printer.
I was able to pick up my order the next day and play around with adding my own verses.
Since we all have stumbling blocks and challenges to overcome, I penciled in a variety of these on the path and tucked verses along the path to symbolize how the Lord is with us on our journey.
I goofed on my lettering, so scrambled to find a sticker to cover it up...hence the reminder for us to focus on the Word!
Don't be afraid to make mistakes in this process; it might be a way to open up your creativity or practice showing yourself the same grace you'd extend to someone else.
I'm excited to share this journey with you all. I've just loaded this #pathtemplate into the shop so it's available to you wherever you are!
** If you've got some creative juices flowing, please send me a message and we'll put our heads together to see how God connects our path!
If you've completed a PATH page or have some verse ideas, please share in comments section below:
Such fun to introduce this sweet girl to Bible Quilting & see her take off on her own Path! ๐