I had a few minutes after I cleaned up the kitchen and got the laundry started on this sunny Monday morning, so I slipped upstairs to my craft room to spend a little creative time in the Word.
The Monthly Bible Quilt Journal has the Title template paired with this month and I've been waiting for a specific idea to inspire me.
Last week at church the worship team sang the song by Sandra McCracken, Sweet Comfort, and it's been rattling around in my head ever since - - - especially since I've had a couple friends recently have some hard losses.
This song also ties in to our #31daysofquiet series with the phrase "I will BE STILL whatever He does..." so I thought it was applicable to Bible Quilt with it this month.
For those of you who joined the #31daysofcomfort series, this would be a good addition to your resources you developed on Comfort, too.
Since I've had some questions from new members recently regarding "where do I start?" or "how do I plan out a page?" I did a time-lapse video to show you how I create a page.
What songs are blessing YOUR spirit these days?
Have you tried Bible quilting a worship song yet? I'd encourage you to pick a simple template and do it!!
#biblequiltingthroughcrisis #sweetcomfort #titletemplate