I’ve had several people ask me, “Do you Bible Quilt in church?”
Yes, ma’am!
As I listen to the sermon, I jot down key points that typically I would have written on my bulletin in the past. (who knows where THAT ends up?)
Bible Quilting the key scriptures allows me to highlight the ones discussed in the message while I’m listening to it.
If you're interested in trying this as a note-taking technique, I've created some sermon notes templates that might help you out!
I'm developing a rhythm of prepping my Sermon Note template on Sunday morning (stamping the date, shading in some color, adding a few strips of washi tape, etc) which helps me to be ready to jump into writing when we get to the sermon part of the service.
A side benefit...it's preparing my heart also to be open to the message, praying for the pastor and creating a more receptive posture as I lean into what I'm about to hear, see, and sing in worship.
I start writing the scripture passage during announcements and add the bullet points on the center "note" box from the bulletin. Then I add personal notes from the message either in a different color or maybe in cursive (because I can write faster that way). Sometimes I'll jot down song titles or phrases in the lefthand margin to tie in this sensory memory.
Later Sunday afternoon or early in the week I'll add some finishing touches. This 3-part process has me be more intentional re: the message and that passage that we're studying. If we're doing a series at church, this gives me a great resource to review from week to week.
Each of us will develop our own method/style. Here's a freehand example: