Just when you thought you'd figured out a bunch of ways to use washi tape on your #biblequiltjournal pages, you discover another fun project to do with it!
Mary Jo shared this idea with the BQ community recently on a Zoom call, noting she probably saw the original idea on Pinterest somewhere.
Check out this cute Christmas tree she made!

Simply stack up Christmas-y colors of washi tape to build the tree, then add some shimmery squares or stickers. Add a star on top and ta-da! You've got an adorable tree that you can add scriptures all around it.
This would be a fun technique to do with kids and lends itself to a variety of themes!
"Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights..." James 1:17
Oh Christmas Tree, How We're Drawn to Thee
#tipsandtricks #washitape #Christmas #biblequiltingfriends #BQcommunity
Brown washi tape is hard to find, so you can use some plaid or dark polka dot to contrast with the greens of the tree.