No matter what organizing vessels I use, I always end up with pieces of "this & that" floating around on my craft desk.
Sometimes I'll receive a RAK packet from a friend and need a place to tuck them until I figure out where I'll store them for later use.
Recently when I cleared my journaling space and put a clear plastic desk protector on my craft table, I realized I could slip these random pieces and even put Bible Quilt Journal pages-in-progress under it.

This gives me a quick glance of recent goodies I've acquired as well as a place to tuck stickers/papers for themes I'm working on. I'm planning on switching these embellishments out during different seasons as a reminder of what I have available. (Hopefully this will help inspire my early morning grogginess when I'm journaling, too!)
So, if you're in the midst of de-cluttering during this #stayhome season and think this idea might work for you, give it a try!
Don't have a "real" desk protector handy?
I dismantled a poster frame to see if this might work as a substitute. (You may have a cheap poster frame falling apart like we often do around here...or maybe one holding a poster that your kiddos have outgrown?)

Take the frame apart, prying the plastic piece off of the frame.
Once you've got the plastic free, you get to play with washi tape! (Our "secret weapon" strikes again!)
The edges may be a little sharp and sticky. Choose a roll of washi tape and wrap it around the edges.

Then clear your work space to make room for your "new" desk protector and start slipping your loose templates, stickers, papers, and inspirational quotes under it. You're ready to roll!
And, yes, I'm a #boymom so I'm wearing my Star Wars shirt today. "MAY the FOURTH be with you!"
#biblequiltjournal #tipsandtricks #washitapeforthewin #monthbymonth
I’m a Star Wars fan as the idea of repurposing the glass.