Recently I listened to this talk on Benediction by Tim Keller which was broadcast on the Gospel in Life Podcast.
Although many of us may be familiar with this passage from Numbers 6, we may not realize the weight of this as a blessing upon each of us as it is spoken over us.
My Process
I drew a banner along the top of the BQ page to make my title, then simply used a large circle stencil in which to provide structure for the passage from Numbers.
As I listened, I took notes and added a few embellishments. Since this is a part of an on-going series in a women's group, I chose to set up my pages as a disc-bound BQJ using a Happy Planner Punch. This way I can develop my study pages over time and decide at the end of the year re: its ultimate format.
I used a label maker and an Avery tab to make a title tab. I like the flexibility of being able to move the Avery tab around as my BQ journal grows over time.
We talked about this process of Bible Quilting scripture plus adding personal notes in a recent #zoomchat.
An even quicker way to make summary pages is to use preformatted templates :