Anyone else have a chunky set of a Webster's dictionary and thesaurus that's been floating around from child to child?
I decided to use mine as a way to explore some of our monthly theme words more in-depth, looking up synonyms that might give me ideas of additional words to search for in harvesting verses for my #biblequiltjournal pages.
Then I got a really crazy idea: to cut or tear out definitions to use as embellishments on my BQ pages. For this book-loving family, this was a bold move!
But all that tiny print to illustrate a concept I'm trying to capture? Worth it!
For our theme of REST, I took it a step further and cut out individual words to use them as a visual summary of all the many layers of rest. It added texture and some meaningful depth.
Once I had all these itty-bitty words cut out, I loosely grouped them according to their various meanings. Then I sought out scriptures that would reflect these different nuances of REST.
I had to make some tough choices between some really applicable verses, but some of those not used here are captured in our 31-day template reference list that Alice developed for us.
Playing around with all these synonyms helped me slow down to ponder how much God truly wants us to REST. When we force ourselves to Be Still, we open ourselves up to His presence to work in us.
I love the connection between the top two verses on this page. From the time of Creation to the period when Jesus was with his disciples, we see the amount of importance placed on REST. We also have the role modeling of this concept of God resting after Creation to Jesus showing His disciples how to get away from the hustle and find some quiet. I wouldn't have made these connections without seeing these verses neighboring on a BQ page.
I finished off the page with the title "Rest IN HIM" because that's where we find true rest in all the layers we need it - mind, soul, body, and spirit. #31daysofrest #restinHIM
So....that's a little "word nerd" insight for you. 🤪 Please share how you might use a word study on your #biblequiltjournal pages!