I've got a wonderful core group of encouragers that have joined me to pray over the BQ Community and to find ways to intentionally encourage our members. While some of our interactions happen through engagement in the BQJ Facebook group, we realize that not everyone is active on FB. I want all the readers to know that we're rooting for you in your pursuit of the Word. We're praying that you discover your own rhythm of Bible Quilting so that it truly enriches your devotional time.
If you're feeling stuck or need a word of encouragement, please feel free to add a comment onto this particular post so that one of our #BQEncourager team can respond to your specific request/comment/need.
By the way, we're having a lot of great discussions on our Zoom sessions. It gives us a chance to chat with Bible Quilters across the country and share ideas. Sometimes we brainstorm how to use BQJ as an outreach for a family member or friend. Other times we talk about different techniques we're trying or inexpensive supplies we've found. I described it recently to a friend as a casual conversation between pen pals, having a chance to do some show-and-tell of our BQ pages and getting to know one another. It's a wonderful way for newcomers to pop in and ask questions...or simple observe the conversation.
We're glad you're here and we'd like to encourage you in your BQ journey.
Welcome into the BQ Community!