I get ideas all the time from my young Bible Quilting friends, so I'd like to encourage them to share here so others can benefit.

How do we do this?
Have Mom join this website: look up in the right hand corner for a "sign up" icon & enter the contact info here. This will allow you to post and share your pages as a "member" of this website.
For example, if Katy posts a Bible Quilt page on Love, then she starts the topic "Love" in this Kids Club category. If Sarah sees Katy's Love post, she scrolls down to "Comment" and adds compliment or shares her own photo of a Love BQ page she's working on. Click on the camera icon in the COMMENT section to add a photo.
Anyone else who wants to add something on the "Love" topic, can continue to add to Katy's Love post in the Comment section. That will give us a nice little collection of "love" page ideas.
Sarah might be inspired by Katy's braveness to share and decide to start a post on "The 10 Commandments" in Kids Club. She might get comments or have others share their pages in the Comments section of the Ten Commandments post. Sarah's post will give us a collection of "10 Commandment" samples.

Essentially, whoever initiates a new post creates a topic for that theme in Kids Club. Then others add to that Topic by typing their reactions or sharing photos in the Comments section of that initial post.
Got it??
We'll try this for a while and see how it goes. Moms can help out as needed. You're welcome share a Mother - Daughter set of similar pages to give others ideas.
Grandmas might corral a group of grandkids to do a page together & share that...or each grandkid might do their own, sharing a variety of ways to do one theme or template. Grandma or a grandkid can start a Post for others to follow along and share comments.
Even though we can't all be together, swapping stickers and borrowing each other's glitter pens, we CAN share our ideas, encouragement, and Bible Quilt pages!
Some of you might want to share a starter verse and topic, asking for other verses to help fill up your page.
Some of you might want to share a completed page.
Some of you might want to share half a page & ask for ideas about how to finish it.

It's up to YOU!
We'll be ready with our emoji enthusiasm and online comments for you! 💥