I'm amazed how the Lord has transformed something out of my personal devotional time into something that is helping ignite others' passion for the Word of God. Without targeted marketing or planned PR, the Lord has opened women's hearts to share Bible Quilting with friends and family. Through these genuine acts of sharing, the #biblequiltjournal has gradually inched its way across the United States basically by word-of-mouth, or as I like to think of it, heart-to-heart.

Kudos to those of you who have shown up at a live BQ session, not quite knowing what to expect! (More than a few were relieved to learn that no actual sewing was involved!๐) It's awkward, I admit, to step into something new with someone you've just met.
I've learned to take a deep breath and open my door to invite women into the Bible Quilting process. The Lord takes over the heart connections and slowly we overcome the trickiness of this new territory between us. I've been blessed to see new Bible Quilters leave sessions, hugging their journals and chatting with one another like old friends. As sessions close, our hearts are fuller and our hands are satisfied with our creative pursuits in the Word. I get tickled overhearing girls conspiring to locate their grandma's craft stash and Bible Quilt together the next time they're at her house.
I'm deeply appreciative to those who have shown up again and again, developing a community within which we can all experiment and grow together. You have nurtured me in this unexpected ministry I find myself in and you've encouraged me with your enthusiasm!

For those of you in other states who have rallied your groups together, I'm proud of your tenacity and heartfelt desire to share the Bible Quilt with your peeps. I'm hopeful that this space will provide you with opportunities to feel more connected!
Although it's fun to color in those states on the US map, it's not about the numbers...it's the heart work being done for the kingdom. Onward, sisters in Christ! You're rocking it!!
Know someone who might live in a state new to Bible Quilting? Share with a friend and you can each use this coupon code: BQ pioneer to get $5 off of your next Bible Quilt journal purchase from the online shop!

A special welcome to our INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS!
United Kingdom
New Zealand
#tagafriend #biblequiltingfriends #BQcommunity #womenintheWord #scriptureforlife
Welcome Lily & other friends from Idaho! I think that brings our state count up to 45. We've got Utah, Hawaii, Vermont, Rhode Island, & Massachusetts left. Let me know if you are a Bible Quilter in any of these remaining states and I'll get you represented on our BQ map!
Thank you !
This week we're adding France to our list of international #biblequiltingfriends. Welcome, @eveliseld!๐จ๐ต
Welcoming @adelientanva to the BQ family and adding Indonesia to our list! ๐ค
Liza, your phrase "a new way of honoring Him" is spot-on! We were just talking about this at our BQ session this morning re: having a new way to entice back into His Word over and over. Thanks for popping in to introduce yourself. BQ Goodies are heading your way today!
Hello Everyone! I've just placed my order for the Bible Quilt Journal and am so excited to get started! I'm from NJ, married for 40plus years, have three wonderful grown children and ten grandchildren. I love to sew, crochet and knit but most of all I love to read and study God's Word so this new way of honoring Him is going to be a blessing!
...and a warm welcome to New Hampshire!
Recently I added New Zealand to our BQ country list! And yesterday I had the joy of sending a BQ starter kit to a sweet lady, Pip, in Maine. We had a nice email chat re: her land of tasty seafood! I'm grateful we can connect and all share in the Word of Life wherever we are!
A special welcome to those who have joined through the Explore the Word Conference! It was so fun to send a Bible Quilt as a bday gift to Veronika's Mom in Germany, then after some correspondence, to have Veronika translate the BQ story/instructions into German to post on our site was a gift back to us! We've also gained new friends in Canada, Mexico, Nevada, Kentucky and Michigan the past couple weeks into our BQ community. I'm hearing from many women that Bible Quilting is getting them motivated to get back in their Bibles again. What a blessing! Thank you, Lord!
This week I sent Bible Quilt journals to our pioneers in Pennsylvania & South Carolina. I'm also tickled to share that we're welcoming Cheryl in Australia as one of our BQ International friends! Yay, God!!
Y'all are doing it! This week I've sent BQ packages to Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Tennessee, & Georgia...and a BQ pioneer in the state of Virginia! Now we're in 32 states! ๐ One #biblequiltjournal at a time, sharing your faith journey is a kingdom blessing!