Our theme for the month is 31 Days of Steadfastness. Get all the details in this post: Steadfast & True.
Check out the video overview of the daily verses, gradually creating a 2-page spread:
The Sunflower template is paired with August in the Monthly Bible Quilt Journal. What ideas do you have for yours??
Blog post: Steadfast Sunflowers
How is your BQ Calendar coming along?
You can complete each month's design with verses from our monthly theme or cultivate your own. For August, I did a blend of SHINE and STEADFAST:

What other pages are you thinking about this month?
August comes with a lot of transitions, particularly if you've got kiddos in school. Here's an idea for your ABC journal:
Back-to-School Prayers from A to Z
Sometimes I'm inspired by the seasonal shifts. The sultry days of summer had me thinking about cacti in the desert, so I created a page on the Cactus Cuties template.
Blog post: Thirsty Pursuits
Using Up Those Pretty Scraps...read more here
The verse for #day28 in our Steadfast series is one that you can use in a variety of ways, even in multiple journals:
Take Heart
New template: Mini Clipboards
BQ Events
The fall line-up is now live on the website!! We've got some IN PERSON sessions starting up in September 😀
Zoom chats:
Tuesday, August 3rd 11:00 (central)
Tuesday, August 31st 11:00 a.m. (central)
Our zoom chats are filled with mutual encouragement and a wide variety of ideas exchanged. This is an excellent way to gain some understanding of #biblequilting techniques while enjoying the fellowship among Bible Quilters from all over the states and Canada.
Replay from August 3rd:
BQ Community Show-and-Share

Hope your August is going well, my friend. Drop your thoughts/ideas in the comments below or share a photo of a page you're working on. I'd love to hear from you!
BQ Newsletter 8-28-2021
#31daysSteadfast #steadfast #monthlybiblequiltjournal #August2021#decorativepapers #bookmarks
Looking ahead for September: 30 Days of Believing