Whew! February got here fast, didn't it??
Our next topic in the 2022 Monthly Bible Quilt Journal: Drawing Near to God is ABIDING in GOD.
All the prep details in this post: Abiding in God
The Abide-in-love sticker sheet may help you illustrate your BQ pages and calendar.
Kickstart your Abide flip card set with this pre-formatted set. All the daily verses are typed up already. Just print & cut!
Gradually our pages will fill scripture as we add each daily verse:
How are you decorating your 2022 Bible Quilt Calendar?
Getting ready for Valentine's Day coming up? Here's a few tips for adding some LOVE to your BQ pages!
Check out the Heart Chain Template Craft Night we did last year:
The Home Fireplace is the featured template this month in the Monthly Bible Quilt Journal. Here's a look at how I created my homey vignette, Abide in God.
Are you getting some SNOW DAYS? Try out this new template for some creative time in the Word:
Snow Days? Create a Fun BQJ page!
Here's another new template, Tracing God's Faithfulness:
I developed this template as a prayer resource, Pray for Ukraine. It's available as a free printable with coupon code UKRAINE if you'd like to do one, too.
Don't forget to mark your calendars for our Zoom chats!
Note: All of my events are scheduled for CENTRAL time zone.
Replay of BQ Chat #43 (2-8-22)
You can use https://thetimezoneconverter.com to double check what time the events are where you live.

New to BQ? Pop over to BQ Introductions and share there along with others!
BQ Newsletter #1 (2-9-22)
BQ Newsletter #2 (2-23-22)
BQ Newsletter #3 (2-26-22)
#28daysAbidinginGod #abiding #monthlybiblequiltjournal #BQcalendar
Related post: ABIDE Looking ahead to March: Growing in God
Use code UKRAINE to get this prayer page as a free printable: