Monthly Bible Quilt Journal
Our monthly series for January: 31 Days of Wisdom
I like to explore variants of our focus word. This month I spent some time reflecting on Discernment.
Sometimes national or local activities impact our prayers and devotional time. In light of the recent riot at the Nation's Capitol, I was moved to create this page on the post-it template in my Monthly BQJ as a reminder that we are all a Work in Progress.
If you're feeling burdened to ramp up prayers for our nation, you're welcome to download the free printable Community Prayer Page to create a resource for your individual or family prayer.
Or you can do a freestyle page, focusing on a theme that's on your heart. I did this one on UNITY, using patriotic colors.
Are you participating in a Bible Study currently? Our church's in-person group is on hold, but I'm doing an online one through Sojo Academy. I like to do a BQ spread to summarize weekly lessons:
I'm enjoying using the new BQ Notes for my #sermonnotes. What are you doing with YOURS?
Are you reading through the Bible this year? Here's a fun way to track your progress:

It's available in 3 sizes: the original BQJ size, 8.5 x 11, or a smaller 5 x7 you can fit into your Bible. You've got lots of options re: how you'd like to use these Bible Reading trackers!
ABC Bible Quilt Journal: January Letters-of-the-Week
A is for... B is for... C is for... D is for...
Community Connections
Have you joined a BQ Zoom session yet?
We'd love to have you join us!
Check the EVENTS tab for upcoming sessions
Show & Share on Saturday, January 30th 2:30
Want a little inspiration to complete the Heart Chain template? This process video will walk you through it!
If your schedule doesn't permit joining a Zoom call you're interested in, then you can catch the replay.
#january2021 #31daysofwisdom #wisdom #discernment #unity #peace #harmony
#BQcraftnight #biblequiltingfriends #hearts #love #heartchain #BQtemplate
Overview of 2020 Monthly BQJ Pages
Bible Reading Tracker 8.5 x 11 size