Welcome to October, friends!!
The pumpkin patch is a fun template to decorate in the BQ Calendar:
Our theme in the the 2022 Monthly Bible Quilt Journal is the Glory of God. Hop in and join us however it works best for you!
Flip cards 2-page spread
Overview of pages building up with verses on God's Glory:
If you encounter a verse that inspires you to create another page, go for it!
Believe in God's Glory
New templates to try for the fall season:
Here's an overview of how I captured some Inspiration from a Paper Plate!
BQ Community
Replay of our Zoom chat this month:
Enjoy all the gorgeous colors of fall and some creative time reflecting on God's glory...
Check out this post - - - Pumpkin Power - - - for some fun ways to use pumpkins this season!
If you're within driving distance of Tulsa, come on over and join us for an in-person BQ session!
BQ Newsletter 10-11-22
BQ Newsletter 10-27-22
Hugs & Prayers to those of you Rolling through Hard Transitions right now:

Coming up in November: Blessings of God
#october2022 #monthlybiblequiltjournal #gloryofGod #pumpkins #autumnglory #fall