Last November I followed a series called #gratitudedocumented2019 and adapted it to my own #biblequiltjournal technique.
I used the monthly flip card set to gather up my own verses, using the Bible translation that was most impactful to me. This allowed me to type or write out full verses on the cards to gauge the length of the verses to determine the main word/phrase I add to my #biblequiltjournal page.
Ultimately, it provided me with a handy set to carry with me in my purse or car so the daily verse is reinforced as I move throughout my day. (You could also pass along a completed set to a friend to give them a quick start on a page, or just to encourage them.)

I finished my verses on my flip card set, slipping them onto a binder ring. Next I glued my template pages into my Bible Quilt journal. I did a washi border around the edges on both pages so the 2-page spread looks more continuous.
The quilt blocks on the templates are intentionally not numbered, so you can have variety as you do different themes. It also gives you a chance to number in whatever sequence works for you. You can handwrite, stamp or use stickers to number each square.

I love how the patchwork of verses builds throughout the month and you can begin to see the connections between verses as they blend together for your theme.

The squares are small for some of the verses. Sometimes I'll just feature the main phrase, so I can add a doodle or sticker that illustrates the concept. (ex: music stanza on day 20 or the river on day 23)
Now I've got a 2-page spread and a flip card set for any future 30-day month to focus on the concept of Gratitude.
They're also a great prayer resource to focus on having a heart of gratitude during my ordinary days or in difficult times.
Grab the 30 Days of Gratitude reference list and join us for a daily verse of gratitude throughout November!
Since I made my #30daysofgratitude flip card set last year, I've got it handy to Bible journal these verses this year. I love re-visiting passages I've focused on before, allowing it to sink in a little deeper each time. The creative process slows me down to really meditate on the underlying meanings...and it often has a different impact each time because I'm in a different season/circumstance.

My approach to Bible journaling is pretty simple because I like to focus on the words and their application to our present situations. If I get too caught up in "making it pretty," I lose my focus on the content.
Typically I draw a box around the passage I'm focusing on, then highlight it with colored pencil.
To make up for my lack of artistic talent, I use stickers then brighten it up with washi tape. I add a date to help me remember the season in which I was reading this part of Scripture. That's about it!

In anticipation of national elections and the impact on our country afterward, I thought I'd also share this link for 30 Days of Prayer for Our Nation from the Billy Graham Association.
You can do a whole 30-day spread on it, too, or instead of the #30daysofgratitude.
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