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31 Days of Faith

Writer: DiannaDianna

One day of #quarantinelife tends to blend into another, doesn't it?

Yet it seems like the weeks are piling up like the dishes on the counter due to the endless meals we're serving our families. My sense of time feels squishy without the usual daily routines and weekly activities. Anyone else in a quarantine haze?

Some days we feel energized to try something new and feel a brief sense of achievement. Other days we realize we've reached some kind of plateau and feel ambivalent about the steps lingering on the other side.

Uncertainty looms all around us. We're on the brink of re-opening, or not. We've leveled out the curve; well, maybe. It's a tricky season as the news cycle swirls between dangers to our personal health and the malaise of our economic health.

I checked the forecast on the weather app on my phone the other day, and was immediately presented with an update of local and state #covid19 cases. It's surreal to get a sunny forecast as well as a coronavirus death count in the same 2-second snapshot. Strange times indeed!

Fear has a sneaky way of slipping into the ambiguity we hear.

Anxiety can easily slide into the gaps of uncertainty we feel.

We need something to halt the maelstrom of emotional upheaval that surges with each news cycle.

This is a poignant time to focus on Faith.

My friend, Stephanie, has gathered up a bunch of verses on Faith. This will give us a wonderful opportunity to fortify our faith foundation during these unstable times.

Download the "31 Days of Faith"reference list and join us as we walk through these scriptures together.

To get started, I'm prepping a flip card set of the daily verses we'll be creating with this month.

I've added the daily references on the BQJ monthly calendar so I can track as I go.


"Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on Your Faithfulness;

give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name."

Psalm 86:11


One day at a time, we'll focus on the promises of faith that are strewn for us to find throughout the Bible.

The phrase "Faith over Fear" has been floating about for awhile and I finally got around to adding it to a #biblequiltjournal page. (Thanks @createwithchristie for the nudge via your hand lettering videoclips.)

This is my May cover page I've created in my Month-by-Month Bible Quilt Journal, using the Flower border template. You can use the monthly template to highlight the monthly theme or create a page inspired by the season or a holiday that occurs that month (e.g. spring, Mother's Day, etc)

"Faith over Fear" page in my Month-by-Month Bible Quilt journal

April showers bring May flowers...maybe we'll see our Faith blossom as well! 🌸🙏🧡




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