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Bible Quilting® through a 40-day Sugar Fast

Writer's picture: DiannaDianna

Updated: Jan 27

If you've been around here a while, you've probably figured out that I can apply my Bible Quilt journaling technique to just about anything. 😉

Bible Quilting at my craft table

When I prayerfully considered doing a fast from sugar for Lent last year, I thought that Bible Quilting would be something to keep my hands busy, my mind focused, and my heart centered on the Word rather than a sweet treat.

I discovered this book, The 40-Day Sugar Fast by Wendy Speake, which I used as a motivational guide throughout this journey. She provided a list of scriptures to meditate on during a 40-day sugar fast, so I adapted a small journal dedicated for this purpose. I liked the square format of this 6 x 6 journal because it provided enough space for the main verse and a few embellishments, but not too much to be time-consuming.

Return to Me - Joel 2:12

I decided to print out the scriputure cards rather than handwrite them, so I could set up my journal quickly and have the white space around the cards to add embellishments, personal reflections, or more verses.

40-day Sugar Fast Scriptures, day 1

Simply adding some stitchlines after gluing the printout onto the page, I put a few stickers on to help illustrate.

I left the back side of each page blank to document my observations along the way.

scripture on being in agreement with accountability partner

By creating this journal, you're developing a resource to focus your attention on this current effort as well as future endeavors.

You can display it in your kitchen or wherever it will provide you with an encouraging reminder to feast on His Word rather than give in to a sugar fix.

I highly recommend having an accountability partner to help discuss meal planning, identify triggers, and brainstorm strategies for successful baby steps of your plan. Plus it will be extra special to celebrate wins along the way!

So if you've got some New Year resolutions for developing some better habits, I'd encourage you to try this plan and enjoy the creative process of doing some scripture art along with it.

Small Bible Quilt Journal display for 40-day Sugar fast verses

Wendy is starting another round on Jan 6th, but you can do a sugar fast any time you're feeling led.

If you choose to do it during Lent, here's a template set you can use for the scriptures:

Sugar Fast Scriptures for Lent, page 1
Scriptures for Sugar Fast on Lent template, page 1

Sugar Fast Scriptures for Lent, page 2
Scritpures for Sugar Fast on Lent template, page 2

Developing this personalized supplement to any devotional can provide you with a meaningful resource to use over and over again. Here's a flip-through of my completed BQJ:

Once you've done a 40-day break-up with sugar, you may find that it's easier to keep going. I made some additional scripture pages to motivate me beyond the 40 days, giving me time to consider how to reorient after the "official" fasting period.

You can utilize other BQ journals to help you keep a daily scripture writing practice, making beautiful pages to reflect on as you attempt to embrace more Bible time and keeping your eyes on Jesus while you're adapting new habits.

Walking with God page in my Monthly Bible Quilt Journal

If you choose to do a sugar fast, drop a message in the Comments below or over in the BQJ Facebook group so we can encourage one another!


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