As we've focused on the Word of God this month, it's kept me thinking about the Lord's faithfulness demonstrated by the covenants He made with His chosen people.

For a title I used some old tag letters I've had in my stash for a long time.
Something similar that is currently available online is these Scrabble Tiles by Hilary at Creative Faith Co.
These types of letters are so versatile for titles and keywords on our BQJ pages.
Sometimes when I'm planning a page, I use post-its to map out the spacing of verses.
For a loose organizational structure, I decided to write the verses about characters in the Old Testament above the title and adding New Testament verses below.

I found more verses than I expected and struggled to determine which one or two captured the essence of the covenant message. This is certainly a topic that one could do an in-depth study on!

I shaded in some of the quilt squares and may decide to add more background color later. We'll see!
What are you creating on your blank pages this month? Please share YOUR ideas in the Comments below or over in the FB group.
You're also welcome to join our next Zoom chat to discuss ideas and see pages others are creating!