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Filling up & Pouring out

Writer: DiannaDianna

Many of us are involved in volunteering at school, serving at church, and lending a hand wherever we can in our communities.

We've probably all heard it's important for us to fill up ourselves before pouring out to others.

What does "filling up"

look like for you?

  • taking a walk

  • going for a pedicure

  • attending a yoga class

  • participating in a book club

  • gardening

  • extended quiet time

  • reading in the hammock

  • meeting a friend for a coffee chat

For each of us this process will likely be different. Some of us may choose to clear out some physical clutter to gain more mental clarity. Others may need to step out of ordinary routines to gain a refreshed perspective.

During the busy month of May it may seem counterintuitive to focus on filling up, but I sense this may be the best time to pursue activities that fill us up so we don't run out of steam.

Speaking of steam, we've got this cute little teapot and teacup template as a blank slate to help you select some verses to fill you up!

I opted to swath my page with background color first, using gelatos applied by fingertip sponge daubers. This processs in and of itself was soothing, helping me settle my busy thoughts.

Since my topic this month is Praying over our Children, I was thinking about how as mothers we're vessels for pouring the Fruit of the Spirit into our children so that they can see those characteristics reflected in us.

This is a fluid process, requiring us to be actively engaged in aligning ourselves with the Holy Spirit.

As we steep in these verses, we're filled with the Word of truth and reminders of God's faithfulness so that we can pass along these virtues to our children in a loving manner.

I'd love to hear what fills YOU up!

Fix youself a cuppa and join us for our #zoomchat on Tuesday to share your ideas and pages.

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