Recently I was able to get away and participate in a long overdue women's retreat. It was good to step out of our typical routines and regular environment to gather together in fellowship.
We had a chance to walk through the woods and explore unfamiliar paths as we engaged in conversation with new friends.
We enjoyed some wonderful food, beautiful worship music, and poignant testimonies.
On a brisk winter evening we gathered around the campfire, basking in the glow of the flames and bursts of laughter as stories were spontaneously shared.
Amidst s'mores roasting and silly games played, we drew closer together. We leaned in to hear from one another.
God was evident in the details. The theme of His faithfulness overlapped and coursed throughout each session and personal story.
"Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your Name lead me and guide me." Psalm 31:3
We discussed how our paths are sometimes rocky and take unexpected turns yet God is always present in His steadfast love for each of us, demonstrating this in unique ways.
He alone is our Rock and firm foundation when everything else feels off-kilter.
I introduced the group to Bible Quilting and invited them to try out a new template, Tracing God's Faithfulness.
Our group leader encouraged us to consider how God has demonstrated His faithfulness to us over the course of our lives, exploring all the twists and turns along the way.
Ponder that a moment.
How would you trace God's faithfulness in your own life?
Step by faltering step.
One hurdle at a time.
Through each devastating loss.
One challenge after another.
In each heartbeat of pain.
With each tear of remorse.
When we hear a solemn diagnosis.
Despite our doubts and insecurities.
Over and over again
God shows up.
Sometimes it's in the most bitter, forlorn times in our lives that we truly give up our own control and fervently grab onto the stable Rock, clinging to Him when we're at our weakest and relying on Him as our stronghold.
Our stories are different, steeped in unique memories and punctuated by varied life experiences, yet we find common ground in His merciful grace as we mutually acknowledge His steadfast love, tracing His faithfulness.
BQ Community Chat
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