Bible Quilting a long passage of scripture is a great way to slow down, absorbing the message as you work with the Word creatively.
I typically start in the upper lefthand corner of the journal page, writing each verse and numbering it as I go. Sometimes I'll add a "stitch line" around each individual verse while other times I'll group a few together on the same point. I format my page loosely into columns, but you could also do yours in rows.
This process video will walk you through all the steps of how I developed a two-page spread in my Monthly Bible Quilt Journal. If you don't have the 8.5 x 11" size BQJ, you can adapt the same technique to another BQ journal or simply use white card stock, which you could then slip into page protectors and place into a 3-ring binder.
You may have different materials than I do, but that just makes your page uniquely yours. I often use stickers to help illustrate key concepts that my artistic abilities can't quite manage.
Alternating between printing, handlettering, and cursive can increase the visual interest of the overall page.
For key words that I want to emphasize, I often use a set of alphabet stamps and an ink pad. This helps break up my own handwriting and adds some consistency.
Washi tape may be used for dividers, borders, or to cover up handwriting mistakes. It adds a nice punch of color to the page.
Once you've written all of the scripture, you can color in the background of the quilt squares or experiment with doodles.
As you return to your page over and over adding embellishments, you gain more familiarity with the passage, its meaning, and context. It can even help you with memorization if that is a goal for you or your family.
When you've added all your final touches, you've got a beautiful, personalized resource of Philippians Ch. 4 to use as a future reference!
If you're not quite ready for #biblequilting a full chapter, focus on a single verse or favorite passage. Here's a brief overview of how to Bible Quilt Philippians 4:8.
Want to Engage with Others in the Bible Quilting Community?
Join the Bible Quilt Journal Facebook group for ideas and encouraging fellowship! You're also invited to join our monthly #zoomchats as we brainstorm ideas for pages and I share new templates being released. RSVP at this EVENTS link.
Interested in an online Bible Study community?
Try Sojo Academy for monthly studies and encouraging engagement with other women of faith. Many of the titles & decorative elements used in this BQ spread are from Sojo's Creative kit for this month, which I printed on clear label sheets to make my own stickers.
Here's a BQ page you can use to make a cover for your Sojo 3-ring binder:
Horizontal option:
Additional templates:
Related post: The Process of Creating a Bible Quilt Journal Page