We tend to squeeze a lot of words onto our #biblequiltjournal pages, but sometimes we may want to highlight just one verse that's had a special impact on us.
You can choose a BQ template that has a lot of quilt squares, so all you have to do is add a word or phrase into each square.
I chose the Block-20 template to do a page on John 3:16.
Typically I add background color after I've written my verses, but I wanted a uniform look since it's only one verse.
I experimented with using watercolor pencils with a limited palette of colors. I shaded each square, alternating colors and varying my pencil strokes so the background would have an easy, playful look once I brushed them with a damp baby wipe to blend them.
This videoclip will give you an overview of my process:
If you don't have baby wipes available, you can use a damp paper towel. Remember to let the page dry completely before you do any hand lettering.
Don't be afraid to experiment with new techniques. They can inspire your creativity in different ways!
- - - Problem solve as you go.
I used sticky notes on the borders of the squares I was dabbing with the damp wipe so the colors wouldn't bleed into each other.
When I noticed that my page was rippling due to the moisture content, I stacked some Bibles on top of the page to weight it down so it could flatten as it dried.
Once I had initially written the words on my page, I realized the primary-colored letters in "Son" didn't seem to fit with the pastel colors. I changed out the stickers to complement the other black lettering and stickers already in use.
Remember - - - you can embellish simply at first, then come back to the page later to decide if you want to add anything else.
Then you're ready to attach your lovely page into your Bible Quilt Journal!
This would also be a sweet BQ page to have on display during the Valentine's season.
You could even slip your template into a page protector and hang it on your fridge or family schedule board as part of your Valentine decor.
Many of the BQ templates can be used to #biblequilt a single verse. Once you select your verse, count the number of words in it and then choose a template that seems to match up! Here's a few of the block designs to get you started:
I'd like to give a shout-out to my young BQ friend who taught me this technique over a year ago...I finally got around to doing it! Thanks for demonstrating this so well for all of us!