Do you have good intentions to memorize more scripture this year?
Some of us find it a challenge and may need some additional tricks in our arsenal.
Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
The more we read it, see it, and write it, the more likely we are to retain what we're trying to commit to memory.
As part of a women's discipleship group this year, we're trying to add some accountability into the mix. Knowing that others are focused on the same passage and having a timeline to have it memorized definitely increases the motivation.
I adapted one of our BQ templates for us to use as practice sheets. I selected the title template which had the right amount of quilt blocks.
I used a 3-step process.
The first round was familiarizing myself with the scripture by copying it from a printed version, seeing it verse by verse.
The second phase was using starter phrases on the template, then handwriting in the remainder of each verse. I placed a couple of stickers as a visual prompt.
This second step can be repeated over and over until you feel like you've got it.
Then the final step is to do a full BQ page with all the embellishments!
Once I had my page completed, I've carried it around as a visual reminder to reinforce my memory muscle.
The benefit of memorizing scripture in community is that others find additional resources that broaden your understanding of the passage. For example, one of my friends shared how this particular Psalm uses a menorah pattern. I incorporated this illustration along with notes on the back of my finished BQ page.
If you're an auditory learner, you may find the passage already set to music, especially if it's a psalm. Search for it on spotify or YouTube to see if you can add that sensory input to help you out.
Browse through the templates to find one that "matches" your passage and use some of these simple strategies. At the very least, you'll end up with a beautiful BQ page to add to your resources!
What tips/tricks do YOU have for memorizing scripture? Join our next #zoomchat to discuss and brainstorm together!