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Incorporating the Bible Quilt® Notes Journal into Your Sunday Rhythm

Writer: DiannaDianna

Updated: Feb 9

Bible Quilt Notes journal and open Bible

Taking notes in such a way that keeps them organized and visually interesting has been a refining process for me the past few years.

As I have used the BQ Notes journal, I have gradually gotten my system down so that it's smoother and less time-consuming. I'm developing a "Sunday rhythm" of sorts that facilitates me prepping my pages and heart before the service plus prompts me to finalize my pages in the afternoon afterward.

Since I've had friends ask, "How do you Bible Quilt in church during a sermon?" I thought I'd share some of my personal insights with you.

Bear in mind that we are all different and will approach note-taking in a variety of ways. I'm simply sharing my process and how it's been developing for me. As I figure out my "flow," I'll continue to share tips with you to aid you in YOUR developing process.

It's rare that I walk out of a service feeling like my #sermonnotes are complete. Typically there's a verse or a song lyric I'd like to follow-up on. Sometimes I feel like I'm still percolating on some things and need ideas to simmer a bit before I feel like a page is finished.

When I take the time to review my notes at home after the service, adding a few final touches or finishing #scripturewriting references that were mentioned, it solidifies the message for me and allows me to make connections with past sermons or former Bible studies.

Finishing up sermon notes in BQ Notes journal

Over the years of taking notes in the same style of journal, I've gained an accessible resource for cross-referencing topics or Biblical characters that I can tap into for current studies.

Follow Along with Me During an Online Service:

Are YOU ready to Take Notes in a New Way??

If you choose to do the printable version, consider using a disc-bound system to maximize flexibility in moving pages around and/or dividing it into sections.




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