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Moms & their girls

Writer's picture: DiannaDianna

Updated: Sep 1, 2019

"Special" may be an over-used term when applied to mothers, however, it's hard to argue with the truth.

This is an unfinished page from my Mom's Bible Quilt journal. I love her little shorthand "Moms-R-Special" because she often wrote us notes or texts with her own jargon.

I'm not sure what verses Mom intended to fill the rest of this page, but she went straight to the HEART with a Proverbs 31 reference, a beautiful reflection of her own legacy. Without her presence as a sounding board or prayer partner these past few months, I've had to dig deeper into my own strength and lean harder into God's grace for this journey of grief and recovery.

My sister and I have explored this vast maternal emptiness in our "support corner" and have gingerly navigated the void by helping one another bridge over gaps in small increments, one step at a time. Last weekend for my sister's birthday, it was my turn to remind her that Mom is always watching over us and that her lifetime of prayers over us are still firmly planted in God's tender care.

Mom would encourage each of us to keep shining our light to share the Word.

I'm grateful that Mom was a part of the Bible Quilt story and was humbled to see how she used it to witness to others. As I've prayed over the #biblequiltjournal, the Lord keeps prompting me to just open the door. (Sometimes it's through an unexpected conversation; sometimes it's an intentional gathering; sometimes it's a FB/text message.) He will take the lead and direct women's hearts from there.

So... I've been chasing some loose ends and trying to follow-up with some folks that have been with me at different parts of this journey. A couple weeks ago I got to Bible Quilt with a high school friend and her daughter in Colorado. What a treat to see this pair in action in their own home after corresponding via Facebook & text messages the past couple years!

Back home I had a couple friends who have wanted to get their girls together to Bible Quilt for more than a year. We wrangled our calendars and we finally pulled it off this week!

What a joy to see the beautiful connections between Moms and their girls. As a #boymom, it's like a sneak peek into another world for me. I enjoy observing the mutual encouragement "you can do it!" or "oh, I love that!" as each of them tries something new.

Add a little spunk from the youngest & you've got a steady stream of laughter and enthusiasm!

As mothers engage with their girls opening up Bibles and stretching washi tape across journal pages, I'm struck by the Lord's graciousness to provide us with this opportunity to nurture one another as we experience His Word in our own unique ways.

I was honored to meet women and girls entering into my home for the first time and also tickled to greet friends that have been intending to come for a while and made the effort to attend this particular gathering.

I loved seeing the camaraderie between friends, especially one pair that was celebrating an outing after a tough season of cancer treatment. I appreciate neighbors becoming friends and then inviting their own friends along to join in Bible Quilting together, widening the community.

As I received prayer support from out-of-state friends and hugs from those who came through my door this week, I reflected that we all show up in different ways and with our own burdens, yet we share a common heritage as "children of God." (Romans 8:16)

What a comfort to be "daughters of the King" walking together "through faith in Christ Jesus!" (Galatians 3:26)

Thanks to all of you for sharing your "special" with me!

--->---> New template added to the shop to help you capture these verses of spiritual belongingness!

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1 Comment

Jeanette Zongker
Jeanette Zongker
Jul 19, 2019

What a beautiful story & tribute to your Mom, Dianna! Plus, I love all the purple she used on her unfinished page... ;) Thank you for sharing your time, talents & (washi) tape with my daughters & I - we really enjoyed this special time of creativity & connection! *HUGS* :)

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