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The Story of the Bible Quilt®️ journal

Writer's picture: DiannaDianna

Updated: Nov 22, 2021

- - - An Unexpected Gift from Above - - -

When I started Bible Quilting, this process didn't have a name. I was simply trying to organize my scattered bits of post-it notes, random envelopes, and church bulletins that had Bible verses scrawled down on them "so I wouldn't forget."

As I began sorting out all these scraps of paper, I realized several of these verses were similar in theme. An idea began to form that I could arrange these according to topic and tie them loosely together.

I duck-taped one of my son's art journals and claimed it for my scripture journal. I turned to the first blank page and wrote "Lord, cover me in Your Word."

My first verse was "Abide in ME and I will abide in you." John 15:4

I started a page on prayer, claiming the Lord's promises of being my portion, my safe place, my help, and my guide.

I folded up card stock to make tabs for grace, trust, hope, and faith. I attached the tabs with a swipe of a glue stick, leaving them peeking out enough so that I could locate each section.

As I continued on in my daily devotional, Jesus Calling, I found myself grabbing my journal to add referenced scriptures from each day's reading. I was amazed how many verses slipped so easily into those initial categories as if God was nudging me along to see what a completed page would look like.

I went on walks in my neighborhood, listening to podcasts and scribbling down partial verses as soon as I got back to the house. Later, I would transfer these into my journal and realized I was retaining more of the podcast message because I was doing something active with the scripture.

I began to listen to sermons differently. When the pastor recited a Bible verse, my brain began sorting it into one of my journal categories. During worship, phrases from songs would inspire new page topic ideas. Instead of church bulletins piling up in my church bag, I began "processing" them on Sunday afternoons...tucking verses into my journal in a way that made sense to me to use as a future resource.

I shared this technique with my sister-in-law and she began her own beautiful process of capturing scripture in this unique way. Our pages began filling up. As we added color and "stitched" together verses, the pages reminded us of a patchwork quilt that's a mishmash of different patterns, colors, and creative stitchwork. We began calling our beloved journals "Bible Quilts."

This process of creating with scripture and organizing it in a personal way transformed my Quiet Time and deepened my faith in a totally new way. It was an unexpected gift that the Lord unfolded for me over time. He gradually nudged me to share it with others and it seemed to resonate strongly with women's desires to engage more actively with their Bible.

That original Bible Quilt has fallen apart at the spiral and its tabs are softened from much use. I now have a printed version that tells a little of this story. It's designed to share with you, so that you may have a similar experience lingering in the holy scriptures and stitching His Word into your hearts.

Along the way, the Bible Quilt®️ has gained an official trademark and a supportive community. You're invited to join women across the country who are diving into the #biblequiltjournal experience!

You're invited to browse the Bible Quilt Journal shop & use coupon code: WELCOME2BQ to receive $5 off your first Bible Quilt journal purchase.

"I am" template for Bible Quilt journal

Other options since the original was printed in 2018:

The 2022 BQ Wall Calendar might be a fun way to get your feet wet re: Bible Quilting.

Enjoy exploring the site and browsing the shop. Pop into the Bible Quilt Journal Facebook group if you'd like to meet some of the BQ community. All are welcome!


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Dec 05, 2019

Thanks, Gail. It's a wonderful combination!! I hope you enjoy browsing around to see more. 😊


Dec 05, 2019

This is the most creative item I have seen. It covers my 2 loves, The Bible and creativity

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